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Skytrak+ Golf Launch Monitor

Advanced Club Data With Skytrak+

€2.542,95 EUR
Finance from €211,91 EUR/mo
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 다른 결제 옵션

Der neue SkyTrak+ Startmonitor bringt bedeutende Fortschritte in seiner Kerntechnologie mit sich, indem er ein Dual-Doppler-Radarsystem und eine proprietäre Software für maschinelles Lernen hinzufügt - um eine in seiner Klasse unerreichte Genauigkeit zu bieten. Das zusätzliche Radar rückt die Schlägerdaten in den Vordergrund und gibt den SkyTrak-Benutzern einen wichtigen Datenpunkt zur Spielverbesserung.

Die Tatsache, dass dieser Launch Monitor nun genaue Schlägerdaten wie Schlagflächenausrichtung, Schlägerweg, Schlägerkopfgeschwindigkeit und Smash-Faktor liefert. Dies sind wichtige Schlägerdaten, die Golfern aller Spielstärken helfen können, sich zu verbessern.

Die Möglichkeit für jeden Golfer, zu einem erschwinglichen Preis Zugang zu dieser Art von präzisen Daten zu haben, ist in unseren Augen wirklich spielverändernd. Dies gibt Ihnen als Golfer die Möglichkeit, Ihr Spiel zu verbessern und greifbare Unterschiede in den Daten zu sehen, wenn sich Ihr Spiel verbessert, ohne dass Sie einen £20k Launch Monitor verwenden müssen.

Das verbesserte photometrische Kamerasystem hat die Genauigkeit des Skytrak+ verdoppelt. Genauigkeit und Konsistenz der Daten sind entscheidend, wenn Sie Ihr Spiel verbessern wollen. Deshalb hat Skytrak die Kamera erheblich verbessert. So sehr, dass Sie den Skytrak+ jetzt auch im Freien auf Matten verwenden können, was eine enorme Verbesserung gegenüber dem Vorgängermodell darstellt, was bedeutet, dass Sie sich zu Hause und auf dem Schießstand verbessern können.

Eine weitere neue Funktion ist der Skytrak Shot Optimizer. Mit dieser Funktion können Sie die zu erwartende Entfernung Ihres Balls im Verhältnis zu Ihrer Schlägerkopfgeschwindigkeit über einen Durchschnitt von 20 Schlägen ermitteln.

So können Sie feststellen, ob Sie das Beste aus Ihren Golfschlägern herausholen oder ob Sie schneller schwingen müssen, um Ihre Distanz zu verbessern. Dies ist eine weitere Funktion, die bisher nur bei £20k plus Launch Monitoren zur Verfügung stand.

  • Dual Doppler Radar for club data measurement
  • Improved Photometric Camera System for more accuracy
  • More courses around the world to take you on dream trips from the comfort of your home or business
  • And more!
  • Roughly 40% larger hitting area to give golfers more flexibility to capture a full range of shots
  • New on board processor for faster shot to show ability as well as easy and secure connectivity to a wide range of PC and mobile devices
  • Added 5Ghz Wi-Fi capabilities for faster and more stable connectivity
  • USB Type C Charging options for port stability and rapid charging
  • No special balls needed
  • No stickers on clubs needed
Hilfe und Ressourcen
  • Carry Distance
  • Total Distance
  • Clubhead Speed
  • Ball Speed
  • Smash Factor
  • Club Path
  • Club Face Angle
  • Face to Target
  • Back Spin Rate
  • Side Spin Rate
  • Spin Axis
  • Spin Loft
  • Horizontal Launch Angle
  • Vertical Launch Angle
  • Lateral Landing
  • Roll Distance
  • Apex Height
  • Flight Time
  • Shot Shape
  • Descent Angle
  • Shot Score
System Requirements


  • M1 chip or newer running IOS 17 or later


  • Windows 10/11.
  • Intel i3 10100F/AMD Ryzen 2600 or higher
  • 8 GB RAM or better.
  • Nvidia GTX 1650/AMD Radeon 580 or better


  • 12gbs of RAM or better


  •  Apple M1 Chip or better
  • 8gbs of RAM or better
  • MAC OS Ventura or Newer

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Luis Freire Gameiro
Well done!

I'm in portugal and I ordered the skytrack+ and the screen on 11 february. I received the invoice and tracking number the same day. Delivery was expected on 19 February, which is what happened, with everything I ordered in perfect condition. Thank you very much and congratulations on your excellent service.

James Manning
Great Monitor, even better after-sales service

The first one I was sent had an issue, I told Golf Bays and they sent me a new one within 24hours. Really amazing service, the owner actually called me to sort it out. So happy with the Monitor too. Working from home has never been so good!

riccardo monaco
Was perfect

On time

Oliver Shaw
Great product (some teething issues) - Golf Bays Brill

I bought the skytrak+ It's a great product. There are a couple of teething issues to look for.
1 - register your device. The software will mess you about before you do
2 - lining up is a bit fussy, but once you get it right it's brill, use the alingement guide with the two lazers.
The skytrak+ is fantastic, I want to use it for club path and face to path. Possibly club speed. It's also good for spin if indoors with a good ball.
I don't use it for sim golf.
Very happy, Golf Bay's did everything well too - thanks.

Michael Baker
Skytrak plus

GolfBays delivered my Skytrak as advertised.
The few problems experienced with delivery were sorted promptly by the excellent Customer service.
Would recommend this company


Haven't used as much as I'd like, very happy with the purchase


Excellent product. Very easy to setup. Seems bang on with the data.

Neil Whiston
Great service and comms, best price in UK.

Shopped by price and golfbays were the cheapest for the Skytrak plus (a fantastic upgrade over the original skytrak). Once buying, the low price was improved by excellent customer service and comms, plus fast shipping! Very impressed.

Steve Booth
Great Service & product

Fabulous advice & service from beginning to the end. Amazing product too 👌


Delivery is good order, thank you.

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    With a SimBox bundle you can play the greatest courses in the world from your home.

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  • Affordable

    We partner with 0% finance providers DivideBuy to make improving your game easier.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We recommend an absolute minimum height of 2.8m (9.2ft) although we recommend the ideal height to be 3m (9.8ft). This way you will feel comfortable swinging any club. 

We recommend a minimum width of 3m (9.8ft). 

The minimum depth recommended is 4m (13.1ft) for a photometric system and 5m (16.4ft) for a radar based launch monitor. 

For instock items, please allow 1-4 days. We also offer worldwide shipping.

They are designed to be very straightforward to erect and dismantle. The whole process should take about 30 minutes. Each kit comes with a step-by-step video guide to help you along the way.

Yes an HD Simbox screen is included along with poles black enclosure and everything you will need. There is also an upgraded screen variant, which is more durable for heavier use, this can be available upon request.

Please email for this.

All our products are tested over long periods of time at our headquarters. The GolfBays SimBox screen and enclosure can withstand ball speeds of over 200mph. It is also used by numerous PGA Professionals which is a testament to its quality. 

Yes, we can. Please get in touch with your specific requirements and we will do our best to meet your needs. We will always aim to work within your space limitations.

Yes apart from the quad pro and Pro + impact screens.

Unlike most suppliers we offer a minimum of 6 months warranty on all our screens for peace of mind. Please ensure you use clean balls and clubs to extend the life of your screen as they will need to be replaced from time to time.

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